Sunday 5 June 2011

What is the Connection?

You are what you are because of connections you made with humans on earth. That is your immediate family, your friends, community, nation and the World at large. If you look around many lives are made or marred by "the association".  Do you know how much gold and diamond is found in Africa? Do you know how much diamond and gold is in demand in the US and China? What is abundant and useless in one time and space in the world, is scarce and useful in another part of the earth. It takes the right connections to benefit from this. When the right connections are made visions are fulfilled.  What do you have , what do you know? Or in another words, who do you have and who are you connected to?
Recently,  I travelled to a jungle village in Africa. Rich in timber, flora and fiona, sand, tropical foods and minerals. Unfortunately, they suffer in poverty and disease, because they lack knowledge, insight or revelation. They have it all but need to be connected to the  right person and insight to be free and free indeed.
This could be your case file, "no connection" and this could be your solution. Get connected! Follow us weekly on the connection.